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Cleo and Dexter's litter was born Sept. 24th, 2023. Six beautiful puppies. One male puppy (ROCKY) is still available. No fault of his own. He was the runt so we wanted to ensure he was ready to leave mom. He is ready for pickup just in time for Christmas! Call 9415991527 for more info.
Where are you located?We are located in beautiful Venice, a city on Florida's Gulf Coast. It's known for Venice Beach, with its offshore coral reef, and Caspersen Beach, where shark teeth are often found.
Do you offer shipping with a nanny?Yes. We do offer nanny services based on where you are located. We do not use an outside nanny service however we personally deliver your fur babies to you to ensure a happy and healthy puppy is delivered to you.
Are your puppies raised in your home?Yes, of course! All of our parent dogs and puppies are raised in home around our daughters and baby boy.
What does F1, F1b, F2, and multigen mean?"F1 means first generation. For example an F1 Cavapoochon is a cross between a Cavalier King Charles spaniel, bichon and a Poodle. F1b is a first generation crossed back to a purebred dog. For example an F1b Cavapoo is a cross between an F1 Cavapoochon and a Poodle. F2 means second generation. For example an F1 Cavapoochon bred to another F1 Cavapoochon creates an F2 Cavapoochon. Multigen means a second, third, or fourth generation crossed to a second, third, or fourth generation thus creating the multigen.
Will my puppy come with a health guarantee?Yes! He or she will come with a 1 year health guarantee against genetic disorders.
How do I reserve a puppy?It is best to give us a call and try to visit the puppy or facetime to decide which puppy you want. A deposit would be required if holding longer than one week.
What age will my puppy be ready to come homeYour puppy will be ready to come home when he or she turns 8 weeks old!
Will my puppy have a Vet check before pick upYes. Within a week of pickup and delivery, your fur baby will be fully vet checked with health guarantee.
Do you offer payment plansWe do offer payment plans. Please contact us for more information.
This Price is too much for meMost people want puppies for $600 -$1200 while you can get a puppy for that price, the chances of getting scammed are extremely high. At Jay and Rays Classy Cavapoo we ensure you have access to your puppies 24/7 through facetime, we also ensure puppies have been dewormed, vaccinated and Vet checked before they come home to you. The price also guarantees that you get a happy, healthy and perfect Fur baby that you will love forever.
Do you require the puppy be spayed or nuteredNo we do not require they get spayed or nuttered.
What is the expected weight of the full grown CavapoochonWe do not gaurantee size of the puppy, however we do expect the puppys to be close to mom and dads weight (7-16 lbs)
Is there a contract to be signedYes. The contract protects you and the breeder in the case of any questions or concerns that may arise with the sale of a puppy. ( Do not purchase a puppy from a breeder without a contract agreement. )
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