Cleo and Dexter's litter was born Sept. 24th, 2023. Six beautiful puppies. One male puppy (ROCKY) is still available. No fault of his own. He was the runt so we wanted to ensure he was ready to leave mom. He is ready for pickup just in time for Christmas! Call 9415991527 for more info.
The Cavapoochon is an adorable, fluffy dog that’s a mix of the Cavalier King Charles Spaniel, bichon and Poodle breeds. Apart from their cute appearance, Cavapoochon puppies inherit the best traits from each of their parents, especially when it comes to their temperament. For example, Cavapoochons are known for their outgoing, playful, and friendly personalities, making them the perfect family dog.
Cavapoos are well-known for their kind, affectionate, sensitive and placid temperament that makes them perfect for therapy.
The Cavoodle is a cute cross-breed dog that doesn’t require much space and thrives on human companionship. If you’re looking for an intelligent and kid-friendly dog with a long lifespan and few health issues, the Cavoodle could be right for you and your family.
When you combine the gentle Miniature Poodle, with the loyal Cavalier King Charles Spaniel—then you get the affectionate dog known as the Cavapoo!
They are loyal, sociable dog that always wants to spend time with you.
These beautiful, playful pups have such an amicable and social personality. They love playing with their family members, whether it’s a game of fetch or even training. just a few minutes of playtime with their family members is enough for them.