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Cleo and Dexter's litter was born Sept. 24th, 2023. Six beautiful puppies. One male puppy (ROCKY) is still available. No fault of his own. He was the runt so we wanted to ensure he was ready to leave mom. He is ready for pickup just in time for Christmas! Call 9415991527 for more info.
It is so amazing to get to connect loving families with their forever pets. The updates we get fill our lives with joy. I want to share some of that joy with you.
This is Pip! He is the one in the orange and black bow. He is being well cared for and living his best life!
Apollo is so very loved in Sarasota, FL!
Lucy is being so loved in Labelle, FL
Georgi Girl found her best friend in Sarasota, FL.
Calvin is living a beautifully loved life in Naples, FL.
This pup is like one of the family. Helping with homework!
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